when there’s nothing left to say

3 min readOct 14, 2024

it’s an unusual peaceful feeling

to know our power ends at our skin

sure we can act & talk, & maybe influence

yet, what kind of influence are we creating

are we bringing people closer to truth or further away

anything that is complicated has very little value

the simple things are closest to the truth

as christ said, let your yes be yes and your no be no

everything else is confused to different degrees of

trying too hard,

not trying enough,

or caught in some emotional whirlwind

we can change how we see & how we align our soul, minds, and hearts

and that last one is really where it’s at

corinthians hits this truth hard, paraphrasing here

faith, hope, & love and of all these the most important is love

we dance about in the cave that good ole plato wrote about a couple of thousand years ago

we complicate things, intellectualize,

justify, reason, creating a swarm of activity & chaos — all of us

but then it’s really simple isn’t it

& kinda mind-boggling when you see that what philosophers, theologians, & mathematicians have quested so hard after to find is so simple

it doesn’t matter

how bright you are

it really doesn’t

as in the end,

in the beginning,

and in between,

the only thing that matters is love

i’m not speaking as some wiseman or poet because i’m a bit flabbergasted at how simple it really is and i sure didn’t come up with it

i remember my mom saying the same thing to me decades ago and I thought it was unfounded

“yes, but why? how do you know

she couldn’t say and shrugged saying,

it’s what I know”

She couldn’t impart understanding with words

i’ve spent my lifetime dancing around stuff

trying to figure out people,

how things work,

and moving back and forth from disillusioned checked-out

to working hard

in pursuit of truth & happiness & distraction

and funny that most of it was just a whirlwind of unneeded action, thought, & worry

except for the things of love

love comes in all different forms, shapes, sizes and places in time and out of time

it can be a smile in the eyes of a baby,

the smallest of kindnesses,

a hand on a fallen shoulder,

repeated sacrifices for another,

doing the right thing for oneself,

or countless other simple things,

and you know it because you feel it

no need to think, discover, invent, measure, or conclude it

very little thinking is involved as its the thinking that needs to be brushed away like cobwebs in a kitchen

and that is what is kind of hilariously whimsical —

the quintessential truth doesn’t require logic or thought at all — no degree needed

the truth is simple

the truth is love

it doesn’t disappear

it’s always here

you can’t lose it

it never stops

we just confuse ourselves into thinking so

nothing new here

that i’m writing &

nothing else to say




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