Letter for the Future
Please read this letter now and again if you rediscover it — one of many to come. I plan on living as long and as well as possible.
If this link still works, please listen to this talk by Alan Watts. You will have physical copies.
It is very much in line with the thought of experts who have devoted their lives to the understanding of physics.
The universe(s) is not made of things but events. The Physicist, Carlo Rovelli, can teach you much about this understandably and beautifully. Keep the physical copies of his writings.
The Universe(s)/Life/Existence is constant happenings and events. Similar to boiling water. The bubbles are the events.
It’s always bubbling until it’s not. I don’t pretend to know anything outside of this bubbling, the creation, end, or anything beyond. Existence in my understanding is like this — always bubbling. We cannot start or stop the boiling. We are in It.
There is no past boiling or future boiling, only bubbling. Imagine the flickering of city lights sped up to an unbelievable speed.
A world (for lack of a better word as words are merely signs, as Alan Watts speaks of in this talk) is a constant continuous eventing/happening. Please also keep physical copies of his writings.
The ideas are not fantasy or nonsensical mumbo-jumbo to impress but are easily misinterpreted as such.
Please remember that life doesn’t start after high school, or after college, or after marriage. That is a sequence of thoughts of events in which we can become lost. It is linear thinking that is 1 dimensional. It tends to pull us along point by point rushing from one to the next. The Buddhist teacher and author, Thich Nhat Hanh, explains this better than anyone.
The end goal of this thinking is that we retire so that we then have freedom. Does this make sense?
Please challenge this notion as with all others that seem readily accepted or expected by most. In concrete terms, it is a race to the end. I am not saying to ignore it but realize that these milestones can trap the mind.
We are manifestations (bubbles in the boiling water) within This (Life).
But be practical and safe, and do not ignore the reality of the systems in which we live. Be aware and participate in the system as you see fit so you can exist in greater ease and peace. There exist crushers of freedom, thought, speech, and body. Be wary of them.
We need to eat, provide, and enjoy the process. Life is fun, painful, sweet, and bittersweet. There is no having it all. All your needs will not always be met, and you will meet the needs that are met.
Anything above that is a bonus. Having it all, in my opinion, would be a nightmare. Be content on your terms. Don’t become stuck in any of these states.
Travel. Have fun. Dine. Splurge. Enjoy learning. Meet new people. Enjoy those who make life more delightful. Be in love with whatever or whoever whenever. Spend time with trees if possible. Listen, see, and be present with them. They are the gentlest teachers. Create a career or way of adding value to the world. Be useful.
Make life pleasanter for you and others, but never at the expense of your freedom of thought or against the core of your being. Most likely, you will but remember and come back from the control of others and don’t judge yourself harshly for becoming lost.
Do not use anyone and do not be used.
In this “real” world as we know it, the best guidance I can give is to trust yourself and remain true to what feels right. Do well in the material world so that you are less financially dependent on others.
Financial freedom is so important especially for women. Money is essential in being independent. Alan Watts’s analogy of money and a restaurant menu is a solid one. It provides freedom to choose, yet it is only worth what it brings you. Money is currency. It is essential but often misunderstood as with most in the world of Things.
At the same time remember that there is not just this one reality.
Participate in the reality of Things, while being aware that life is energy or God or whatever word you choose. It can be found everywhere, not only in the silences but within you and all around you. George Lucas’s films are wise teachings. It’s not a coincidence that Joseph Campbell spoke about his Life and the Hero’s Journey at Lucas’s home. Keep Campbell’s writings, as well as Emerson, Thoreau, Emily Dickinson, Rumi, the Matrix Trilogy, and all poetry that speaks/resonates with you.
Beauty/Energy/The Divine/The Alpha and Omega is also within the people and events we turn away and from which we wish to turn away — the ugliness or meanness of life.
Divinity is everywhere and tapping into it is the most exquisite experience. When all walls and separateness disappears, it will take your breath away. I hope you experience this. I have found that it originates from gratitude and wishing well for all. Loving all. Having good intent. Metta. Loving kindness.
My experience is that certain places, people, art, and music are conduits that facilitate this connection. Substances are alluring shortcuts that attempt to reach the Divine but are roads to confusion and submission.
I agree with Watts in his interpretation of Christ.
As with the scientific description of reality, energy is not fixed.
There is no “us” or “them,” meaning not that they and we don’t exist, but that there are no clear divisions of peoples. We are all in this together.
Those that try to enslave others physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, and in any other way are in my view the most enslaved of all.
They are the most confused. The logic of those driven for success is sound and examples they may provide for their way of life are based on harsh and indisputable realities.
Although this logic will make sense, it is only because they live only, or primarily in one world. Many are only aware of one. They have only felt the world of Things. A logical equation does not fit every circumstance. It is limited, not unlimited. So, their logic while sound is not universal.
The fight between the oppressors and oppressed is real, but it is also primarily fought and thought of only in the world of Things. That battle should and needs to be fought in all worlds.
Everyone counts equally. Please advocate for yourselves and guide the oppressed.
The Queen and a man on the corner. A president and a prostitute.
These are real words and titles that make a big difference in life. These titles and words solely exist in just the material world. Everybody counts equally.
Ideally, we are in the middle — Independent of others yet enjoying the presence of others.
Controlling as little as possible and being controlled as little as possible. Not desiring control of others or control of yourself. Balance. I do not mean being out of control or reckless. The middle way, in my experience, is the most fruitful.
Live safely and enjoyably. Take risks for the right reasons. If the risks resonate with who you are, they might be worth enjoying or taking.
Don’t race to finish. It is not a pleasurable way to live for good reason. Don’t rush.
Try to enjoy what you do, but if you don’t that is ok too. Judgments and criticisms of self are not useful. Be kind to yourselves and forgiving to yourselves as you would be to a puppy.
So, as you might have seen, when I speak or spoke of, they and them, I am also caught in language.
Words are not reality. Like the ticking of a watch or any other measurement, they can serve you well and are essential currency, but please remember that they also segment reality. They measure and describe worlds.
I love words. They are fun. They can be used and woven beautifully or in other ways to bring one closer to the truth. Or they can be intentionally or unintentionally used to confuse you.
And one more…reality does not exist outside us. Another trick of language that can confuse us is when we speak of “the environment” or “nature.”
By speaking and using this type of language, we separate ourselves from life.
We are nature, and we are the environment. We observe but are not observers. What we observe outside ourselves exists in ourselves in some form to varying degrees.
We are part of it all. Everything observes Itself.
There are no such things as “animals.” Clearly, I am not saying they don’t exist, but the word is just an idea that doesn’t come close to meaning anything.
Do not focus on or get caught in divisions, measurements, and expectations.
See, feel, experience, and use all senses. They are beyond count. Be Unlimited in this experience (perception of life) while being practical at the same time.
Use balance as your guide stick. The middle way. (Limited again by language here) Don’t ignore either world.
These are all words that hopefully bring you closer to the truth. Ask your questions, and answer those of others if it is useful. The asker of the questions creates the framework of thought, perception, and your life. Let yourself ask the questions.
Love you.