NOVEMBER 8, 2022
I believe…
At the end of the day, after all the pundits have spoken.
After all divisions between people appear stretched raw and wide beyond repair.
After corruption and disheartening cruelty are shown.
After what we believe shows up as illusion. After we are thrown on our backs in pain from the unexpected hooks of life.
After all of that, again and again, we still can choose to get up and take step by step, making our own minds right.
Making our own house right.
Making choices to hope.
Choosing to leave behind skepticism, bitterness, and the disease they hold.
We get to choose to believe what is good and how to make our lives and world better.
Sometimes presence is enough and words too much.
The moment may call for healing hands in strong, precise action.
It may be a whisper from your lips that you believe in the potential and viability of another.
It matters.
Yes, today.
Yes, tomorrow.
It never stops mattering.
The most powerful choice of how to be is always ours.
Let’s do better.
Let’s be kind to one another.
Let’s find common ground that is larger than any tear among us.
Let us not be deceived.
Let us consciously decide to keep breaking bread with one another, again and again, even if what we see looks broken.
Keep breaking bread.
This is how we are reborn.
What do you believe?
It matters.
You matter. When? Then, now, and after.
Why? Because.